What can I say about Bridget??

She is an incredible employee, amazing friend and FlipperSplash wouldn't be where we are without her insights, energy and engagement. I have asked Bridget to do things she never imagined as we have been building our app, from graphic design to intern management and about 1,000 things in between. She wears so many hats in fact, that I am heard saying, "add that to your LinkedIn profile" all the time! Bridget's commitment has never faltered even amidst several platform iterations and funding challenges. I count on seeing her smile every morning and would rather be on this start-up roller coaster with nobody but Bridget! As long as she's attached to her phone, our days are filled with lots of laughs (and a few tears, too) as we struggle to launch a company that can help so many small Brands that need us now more than ever!

In a nutshell, I LOVE BRIDGET and thank her for answering some fun questions so you can learn a little bit more about her, too.

What led you to FlipperSplash?

Born and raised in Baltimore, MD, I moved to Florida 13 years ago to attend Flagler College. After graduating with a degree in Public Relations and minors in both Advertising and English, I began my post collegiate career doing PR for the St. Augustine Lighthouse and Museum. Those couple years in the non-profit sector led me to an opportunity with a franchise development company where I settled in as their Social Media manager under the Director of Marketing, Monica. Fast forward a couple years and Monica set off to create FlipperSplash - a journey that I joined her on.

What is your favorite part about working for FlipperSplash?

Working with incredible Influencers and amazing Brands is both my favorite part and my downfall. I can say, whole-heartedly, that I believe in Influencer Marketing and I am living proof that it works. (Just ask my bank account …) Thanks to FlipperSplash, I have been introduced to countless small Brands that I may not have otherwise discovered. I am especially excited whenever we bring a female-founded company on board. I love to support local and I’m all about girl power! In regards to our Influencers, I am constantly in awe of their dedication to their followers and how relatable they are. I am always discovering new Brands through them and I am thankful for some of the game-changing products they have sent our way.

In addition to working with Brands and Influencers, I am continually thankful that I work with such an incredible boss babe who has created such an invaluable office culture. They say that more often than not, people don’t quit jobs, they quit bosses and I can promise you, Monica is someone I will never quit. Working for a startup is hard work and I’m thankful for a fearless leader who keeps me sane and is always pushing forward for our success.

What advice can you give those graduating college and entering the workforce?

Don’t be afraid to leave something that is making you unhappy. One of the jobs I had after college was great on paper. Paid time off, insurance and other job perks that someone so new into the workplace could typically only dream of. However, i knew almost immediately, it was not the job for me. I chose to stick it out for longer than I wish I would have because I thought I was making sacrifices for things that were important. It was leaving this job that taught me that my happiness should be the only thing that matters and the most important thing. Leaving the place that made me unhappy paved the way for other experiences that have made me love going to work. Opportunities that I would have missed if I let the fear of leaving something stable get the best of me. Remember to always do what makes you happy.

Where do you see the Influencer Marketing industry going in the next few years?

As previously mentioned, I am living proof that Influencer Marketing works. When I travel to a new city, I don’t look for a travel guide or head over to yelp, I look for local Influencers. I want to know where they have coffee every morning and what they are wearing out on a regular basis. Word-of-mouth marketing is the oldest form of marketing and easily the most effective. A trusted word from a friend or family members FAR surpasses an ad in your local circular. It’s my opinion that with streaming services and a society so technologically based, traditional forms of advertising will become obsolete sooner, rather than later. If you haven’t added Influencer Marketing into your budget yet, what are you waiting for?

What advice do you have for small Brands using Influencer Marketing for the first time?

Don’t believe everything you hear. As a society, businesses have been conditioned to believe certain things about Influencer Marketing. First, that numbers are all that matter. False. Engagement and call to action is what matters. Someone that may have very few followers on Instagram might also be the president of their child’s PTA and has a reach far beyond their social numbers. Second, it’s expensive. The beauty of Influencer Marketing is that there are plenty of people who are happy to work for product trade opportunities. We also find that these can often be some of the most genuine partnerships you can make. Third, the taboo behind the word Influencer. With every profession, there are going to be people who give us a negative view of the profession as a whole. With some Influencer actions, small businesses may have a negative connotation or even have been burned by Influencers before - which is why we’ve changed the word all together! We hope that working with FlipperSplash and our Splashers, we can help prove that when it comes to Influencers, there are more great ones, than bad!

Just for fun …

What is something on your 2020 bucket list?

Adding some stamps to my passport! While my ultimate goal is to make it to an elephant sanctuary, i’m happy with any passport stamps this year. Thailand, Greece and Marrakech are high on my list.

They say breakfast is the most important meal of the day, do you have a morning routine?

Anyone who knows me at all knows that mornings are not my thing. While I’d love to tell you that I’m up to watch the sunrise and never miss my morning meditation, the real truth is that I set no less than 4 alarms and require at least 2 cups of coffee to get my brain to function. I’m not a big breakfast person, probably because I never allow myself enough time in the morning to make breakfast, but I do love brewing some local coffee (Kookaburra is my favorite) in my Chemex. I drink my coffee black and the Chemex brews the smoothest coffee I’ve ever had. My favorite breakfast food is Eggs Benedict, hold the bacon, sub avocado.

Do you have a favorite local restaurant?

Oh yeah! My all-time favorite spot for lunch or casual dining is The Floridian. Their seasonally changing farm-to-table menu is unmatched and each time I try something new, I’m even more impressed than I was the last time. In addition to an insane menu and amazing food, I love to support them because they are always supporting local companies when it comes to sourcing their food, products, beer, etc.

If i’m looking to treat myself (which I often am), The Llama is my go-to. Llama features Peruvian cuisine which some of the most incredible and unique flavors I have ever tasted. Eating at Llama is more than just a meal, it’s an experience. Chef Marcel, who happens to also be a good friend, is constantly blowing me away with the culinary experience he provides.

Do you have a go-to cocktail?

An Old Fashioned! I am a lover of bourbon and love enjoying an expertly crafted Old Fashioned (i.e. don’t muddle an orange and maraschino cherry in my drink). If you’re in the St. Augustine area, I recommend stopping by Odd Birds for the perfect Old Fashioned or a perfectly crafted cocktail of other variety.

If you were having a dinner party and could invite one celebrity guest, who would it be?

Ruth Bader Ginsburg. No question.

Life is busy, but when you get a break, is there a hobby you enjoy?

Being at the beach! An afternoon on the beach listening to a podcast (likely of the True Crime variety - True Crime Obsessed is my favorite) is my happy place. I feel that there is nothing that makes me quite as happy or eases my mind quite like the salty ocean air and my toes in the sand.