Holistic Snacking with Regina Trillo!

If someone would have offered me a “cactus crisp” at any point, I may have been a bit hesitant. Fortunately, FlipperSpash and the world of Influencer Marketing as a whole has introduced me to not only so many incredible and unique Brands, but also the incredible founders behind the Brands. It’s their unique stories that have led me to, what I now consider, some of my new favorite Brands.

Chatting with the founders of small Brands is one of my favorite things to do. From the second we meet, I can feel the passion and dedication that comes with owning and operating a small business. Most, if not all, of these small businesses grow out of something deeply personal. Whether it be a hobby, a lifestyle change, a new life role, etc - these business owners have created something with meaning to them, and Regina Trillo is no exception.

An unexpected diagnosis lead her to a lifestyle more centered on clean eating and subsequently made her more passionate food and her health, which eventually led to the development of Nemi Holisitcks. After chatting with Regina, we knew that the FlipperSplash office needed to try some of these snacks and we were blown away! Who knew a healthy snack could be so tasty?! We are thrilled to have Nemi Holisticks as a FlipperSplash Brand and look forward to seeing our Influencers spread the word about these awesome (and healthy!) snacks. Read on to get some background on Regina and how Nemi Holisticks came to be.


We know that you are the Boss Babe for Nemi Holisticks, what was your inspiration for creating this Brand? 

Growing up and all the way to my mid-twenties, I didn't think I could create a business. I grew up around gender stereotypes and believing social constructions that I then realized were self-imposed limitations. I worked through this for several years until I felt capable and confident enough to create something as long as it had several values around health, transparency and a connection with Mexico.

When I was diagnosed with rosacea and endometriosis, I started searching for answers and experimenting with food. I became passionate about food, health and self-care. I moved from Mexico to Chicago almost 9 years ago and the first time I went to the grocery store,  I was excited to find nopal, the prickly pear paddle! However, the nopal I saw had spikes and thought people would feel intimidated by it, unless they knew how to clean it or cook it. Nopales are high in fiber, antioxidants and minerals.  I thought about showcasing this amazing Mexican ingredient, but was not sure how yet.  

I LOVE chips and kept looking for a nutrient-dense "chip" that did not melt in my mouth. I knew that if I ever ditched the chip for something else, it had to be for something crunchy, salty and something that resembled a chip. I started thinking about creating a chip alternative with real and Mexican ingredients. I tapped into my roots, visited several farms in Mexico and came up with the perfect formula and all natural seasonings without MSG, sugar or artificial colors.  I partnered with small farmers in Mexico, found an amazing female manufacturer and Nemi Holisticks came to life.

Can you tell us a bit about how the name Nemi came about? 

Nemi means "to live" in nahuatl, the language of the Aztecs. We have a holistic approach to snacking, where ingredients are as important as working directly with the farmers, knowing the source of the ingredients, sustainability, working with women, and making sure that no one is paying a high price for the customer to pay a cheap price. To us, this is what living holistickally means.

What makes your Brand stand out from others? 

We're a value-driven brand. As a human rights attorney, it was key to include elements around diversity (Mexican-inspired flavors), inclusivity (I work with women in Mexico who hold positions commonly reserved for men), fair farming (working directly with the farmer) and transparency (sharing about our ingredients, struggles and mission).  Also, Nemi Holisticks is the only brand making crunchy snacks derived from nopal (cactus) and seeds, such as amaranth seeds, flax seeds, chia seeds and pea protein. 

What have you learned about being a female entrepreneur since starting your own Brands? 

I've received tremendous support from other female and male entrepeneurs in the food and beverage industry in Chicago. I wasn't expecting the support, guidance and friendliness I've experienced. I'm grateful for other female entrepeneurs who've walked so that we could run. I haven't raised funds, but it will be interesting to experience this process given that latinx female founders receive only 0.04% of venture capital.  

What has been your biggest obstacle in creating Nemi Holisticks? Anything specific to being a female founder? 

My biggest obstacle has been one of the best learning experiences so far, which is not to be intimidated by the things I don't know. This fires up my sense of curiosity and hunger for knowledge. I know what I don't know. As a female founder, this has also helped me be unapologetically ambitious.

Can you tell us about someone you look up to as a mentor or advisor that has helped you with your Brand? 

They're SO many. I say this is a one-woman show, but behind closed doors, I'm extremely grateful for all the guidance, tips, resources and information I've received from hundreds of people who have helped me shape Nemi. To name a few, The Hatchery- a food business incubator in Chicago. They've offered invaluable resources from the A-Z of having a food business. Alli Ball, who created the best retail course for companies in the food and beverage industry. There are so many concepts to figure out in the food industry, it's easy to feel lost. Alli provides structure and a realistic approach. She's helped me break down big goals and achieve them. 

What do you see in store for the future of Nemi?

My next step is finding sustainable packaging for the snacks. Since I import, there are several things I need to consider and the process has not been easy, but I'm getting there. I dream about sharing un poquito de Mexico- our flavors, textures and ingredients, with chip lovers in the U.S.!

Do you have a favorite flavor?

YES! I love the Smoky Chipotle and can't resist having Spirulina Lime with hot sauce!

What advice would you give to someone looking to build their own Brand?

Find spaces and moments where you can connect with yourself and tap into your passion. Once you find it, fuel that with discipline, data and LAUNCH! 

Just for fun ... 

What is something on your 2020 bucket list?

I have many goals for 2020! Finding sustainable packaging, continue creating spaces for self-care, increase sales on Amazon and get into Whole Foods!

They say breakfast is the most important meal of the day, do you have a morning routine (food, drink, activity) that helps you have a productive day?

Yes, I get up at around 6:30, do a 20-minute meditation and work out at home for about 30 minutes (I mostly do low intensity and pelvic floor strengthening exercises). I usually have the same shake for breakfast- spinach, almond milk, wild blueberries, spirulina, protein powder and avocado.

Do you have a go-to cocktail (or mocktail)?

ANYTHING with mezcal or just mezcal. 

If you were having a dinner party and could invite one celebrity guest, who would it be?

Oprah or Salma Hayek

As a female entrepreneur running a small business, we know free time is sporadic, but when you do get some, is there a hobby you enjoy?

Yes, I love spending time with my husband, cooking, eating out, catching up with friends, traveling to Mexico and reading.

Keep up with Regina and her Brand on Facebook and Instagram and order your own Nemi Holisticks on her website!