What is a Task and How do I Create One?

When we set out to build the FlipperSplash App, we knew we wanted it to be more than just a connection platform. While we think our keyword search as well as location and interest filters make connecting Brands and Influencers seamless, we know there are certainly other ways to connect. So, what sets us apart from other Influencer Marketing apps? Well lots of things, but for the purpose of this post, I’ll focus on the management aspect of the app.

Let’s start with tasks. You’ve probably seen the tab at the bottom of your homepage and perhaps wondered “WTH is a task” and then followed it up with “oh well”. Well, rest assured, I’m here to teach you all about how task functionality can help you manage your relationships and stay organized. Peep the steps below to become task savvy!


Get Started!

First thing’s first - visit the tasks tab! The tasks tab is where you will go to create tasks as well as see all the tasks you have created and your archived tasks. Your tasks are sorted into two categories: upcoming and priority. Tasks will deem themselves “priority” when their due date is within a two-week time frame. These priority tasks will also appear on your homepage!


Select a Gig.

Tasks were designed to exist within a Gig. When you create a task you will be asked to select a Gig and then you will choose one of the Splasher’s you accepted into the Gig. This will help Brands running multiple Gigs and Splashers who have joined multiple Gigs.


Draft your task.

Click the magnifying glass to select the Splasher to whom you’d like to assign the task. Tasks can be used for any kind of reminder a Brand wants to relay to a Splasher. Some examples include an appointment for a service, an event, social post deadlines, etc. You can sign as many tasks as you'd like to help organize your Splasher expectations.


Be specific.

A Gig will outline everything that is expected in the relationship the Brand and Splasher enter into. A task can be used as a reminder for the different aspects of the Gig requirements. For example, use your task to reiterate any specific tags and hashtags you’d like to be included in social posts. Tasks also work to solidify due dates for posts. Many Splashers work with multiple Brands and often build out their content calendar well in advance. Using tasks can help both Brand and Influencer stay organized and on top of all their partnerships.


Check your calendar.

Once you have created a task, the task will appear on both your homepage and on your calendar. Priority tasks will appear in hot pink, while upcoming tasks will appear in teal. Simply click the colored circle on the calendar to view which task is due on that date. Once a Splasher has completed their task, they can mark it as complete to clear it from the calendar and homepage.

I hope this helps keep things organized and helps our Brands and Splashers fully utilize the functionality we have built into the FlipperSplash App. We will continue to share some helpful steps on other aspects of the app that you may not be utilizing. As always, we are happy to help if you have any questions and always open to suggestions about our current functionality or things you’d like to see in future builds!