The Potty Factor

There's no stopping this mom!!

You're out having family fun when your little one says, "I have to GOOOOOO!" Parents everywhere have had actual fear run sharp and cold through their veins when faced with this view....


We feel your pain, but there's a solution and a very cool Mom that we can thank for it. Reena Factor took time out of her very busy week to fill us in on her invention and the incredible crowdfunding venture that she has undertaken. For anyone that has thought of creating a prototype and finding out what the "masses" think of it, crowdfunding is a great place to get those answers. Reena answered a few questions that we had about inventing a product and her perspective is a very honest take on the process and launch of a crowdfunding campaign.

Reena can you tell us about the cool new product that you have designed? What is it?

Thank you so much for having me on FlipperSplash! 

My Potty Pal is a hygienic foldable travel potty seat designed for parents and caregivers and their potty training toddlers.


What problem does My Potty Pal solve?

What I realized while potty training my boy/girl twins was that even in the nicest restaurant you never know the last time the toilet was cleaned or who used it before you. It’s filled with germs and made for adults, so it’s icky and scary for little ones. As opposed to other portable potty seats, My Potty Pal makes limited contact with the toilet seat. Each quadrant of the seat is covered by a silicone bottle-cap like pad, called a potty parker and these potty parkers are the only aspect that makes contact with the foreign seat. Additionally attached to the front part of your seat is the bacteria barrier, a apron-like piece made from toilet paper cover material that can be thrown away after each use and protects your toddler from the gross, unmentionable fluids and germs that lurk on the front of the toilet bowl. What I like the best about My Potty Pal is that all the cleaning is done before you even leave the bathroom. First, you remove the potty parkers and bacteria barrier then replace or dispose of them respectfully. This way you're prepared for your next trip to the bathroom, there’s no prep-time needed and your toddler, hopefully, doesn’t have an accident. Last just wash your dirty set of potty parkers in the restroom sink with soap and water. 


How long have you been working on the design of My Potty Pal?

Truthfully between my day-job and the twins I’ve been working on My Potty Pal in some way for the last two and a half years. 


We know that you have a Kickstarter campaign beginning this week to help with funding your next steps to bring My Potty Pal to life. What has surprised you most about prepping for a crowdfunding experience?

I never fully understood what went into a Kickstarter until I started preparing or one. I had followed a few campaigns, but I dove fully into the Kickstarter world and uncovered how deeply difficult it is. It’s terrifying. The amount of prep-work, psychology and business built around Kickstarter are amazing. Anyone who’s seeking to one day put together a Kickstarter I would keep that in mind. It’s all about the prep-work. How large your email list is, how many instagram followers you have, your marketing plan and how well you understand the platform - all it has to offer and all the ways you can succeed.


How long have you been prepping for this week?

I’ve been preparing for this week for six months. Strategizing, figuring out my positioning, my LinkedIn market, reaching out to other moms and mom networks and working with some vendors to produce aspects like my Kickstarter video.


What is your advice for other mom-inventors that are thinking about crowdfunding?

My advice to other mom-inventors would be to understand your market and how to position it within the crowdfunding world. I hate to harp on the pre-work again, but with crowdfunding, as with marketing to a mass-market, understanding the people who would be interested in investing in your company is as important and is probably very similar to those who would be interested in purchasing your product.


On a personal note, when you're not taking care of your family and inventing helpful products for families, what do you do that's just for "YOU?"

My background, like growing up and for the first few years of my young, young adult life I wanted to be an actress, I actually have a degree in musical theater, so I love to sing for fun. With the twins and my busy schedule I mostly sing for myself now. I also do voiceover professionally out of my home - clearly I love a good side gig. 


Can you tell us something that's on your 2020 bucket list?

Although I’ve already been to Disney World I am looking forward to taking my twins there in November!


Do you have a favorite restaurant or go-to meal?

I love Jacob’s Pickles in NYC I wish I could eat there everyday!


End of a long day...what do you do to wind down and relax?

I absolutely love television and my husband and I have watched pretty much every critically acclaimed series out there. By myself I watch literally everything on Bravo! and all of the 90 Day Fiance shows and spin-offs - can’t get enough.

If you're interested in learning more about Reena and her Kickstarter campaign, you can find it here and PLEASE share her story!

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