What the Heck is a Splasher?

We’re so thrilled you asked!

When launching FlipperSplash, we quickly found that one of our biggest struggles was with the word Influencer. When asking people to join our app as an Influencer, we found that, more often than not, they had themselves convinced that they weren’t Influencers. Why? Because they don’t have a lot of followers on Instagram or because they were denied on another Influencer Marketing apps because they didn’t meet a very finite set of requirements or maybe because they don’t fit the mold we have carved out for what an Influencer should look like. We quickly found ourselves retraining people to realize just how much Influence they have. It’s not all about the numbers and on the FlipperSplash app, we have mad love for our micro-Influencers and the difference they are making for small Brands.

Similarly, Brands had started developing some negative feelings toward the concept of an Influencer. Have you ever heard the phrase “this is why we can’t have nice things”? Well, there are a few bad seed Influencers out there that have semi-successfully tarnished the Influencer name. Whether it be unrealistic demands or lack of content delivery, we know that people are talking. We have also heard the common misconception that working with Influencers is very expensive and many Brands have bowed out without even giving it a try.

After far too long of fighting with the term Influencer, we decided to simply change it. We had a unique opportunity to create an entirely new group of individuals who can redefine the idea of influencing. Thus, the Splasher was born.

So, who is a Splasher? Simple, you are. Anyone who knows anyone anywhere is a Splasher. A Splasher isn’t defined by their Instagram numbers, rather, their ability to influence. Did you eat at a new restaurant and tell some friends about it? What you said about that restaurant influenced that person. We know that you have Influence and we are ready for you to know it too! Download the app, create your free profile and start making a splash for local Brands today!

Brands, InfluencerBridget Healy