Spilling the Tea with Jamah Dacus

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Do you ever meet someone that you just instantly vibe with? For me, Jamah Dacus, the miss babe behind BlendBee and ModestMix, was one of those people. Her spirit is contagious and her dedication to uplifting others is inspiring. When we first stumbled upon ModestMix, we knew that anyone that could create such a fun Brand was someone we needed to know.

Fast forward through the busy holiday season, a couple seasonal sicknesses and a few overwhelmed boss babes and we are thrilled to have both BlendBee and ModestMix on the FlipperSplash app. We love watching incredible Brands like these grow and watching our Splashers truly become Brand advocates. I am thrilled to be sharing some things Jamah told us about her life, business and being a bad-ass. I hope you enjoy learning about her as much as I did!

We know that you are the Boss Babe for two Brands, BlendBee and ModestMix, which came first?

BlendBee and ModestMix were both created at the same time, early 2014. I chose to keep the brands separate to reach different demographics. The main differences between the two, is that on BlendBee you can create your own perfect tea blend. We design custom tea blends for individuals, events and businesses. ModestMix is our cheeky (a bit crass) and empowering branding, and it makes me laugh! We need more laughter in this world!

What was your inspiration for creating these Brands?

I have worked in health and nutrition for 25 years and got really passionate about the healing powers of teas and herbs. I had personally been healed with herbs and wanted to spread the love.  I craved a space where I could create my own ideal tea blend, and couldn't find that anywhere online, so I created it myself!

What makes your Brand of tea stand out from others?

Almost everything! The quality of ingredients we use, which are sourced very mindfully. Every blend is handcrafted to order, nothing sits on a shelf prepackaged. We personalize the labels when requested for both BlendBee and ModestMix. We truly want our customers to feel special, and we take great pride in putting love into every order.

What have you learned about being a female entrepreneur since starting your own Brands?

I have learned that building a team and not taking short-cuts always pays off in the long run.  Building two brands at the same time takes a lot of work, patience and love! I (Jamah) have written the html code for my websites, taken every single picture, learned graphic design, studied SEO, designed packaging, fulfilled every order...the list goes on. I started as a one woman team and wanted to have my hand in every part of my company. Over the years, and huge amounts of stress, I have learned to outsource and work with partners like Flippersplash, Trustpilot, Matcha and other great (female owned) companies that help take some of the work off my shoulders. I am Super-woman, but even she needs help to save the world from time to time.

What has been your biggest obstacle in creating BlendBee and ModestMix? Anything specific to being a female founder?

Building trust with an edible product online while staying authentic and mindful. I don't have investors, I don't pay for influencers to tout my brand, I refuse to purchase followers. I witness so many brands that have deep pockets and buy their way to the top. I started my brands at a grass-roots level and have been growing steady and slow. Quality and customer service is #1 , and I won't take any short-cuts. I haven't run into many obstacles being a female founder, once people meet me and feel my passion, they support me. My customers are incredibly loyal, and I actually feel that I have an advantage being a female founder. My brands are built on authenticity, joy and love.

Can you tell us about someone you look up to as a mentor or advisor that has helped you with your Brand?

My thousands of customers, grouped together as a beautiful sounding board. They are like family, and have been very open about suggestions, likes/dislikes, blend recommendations and more. I listen and respond to every customer and they truly have helped shape my companies.

What do you see in store for the future of BlendBee and ModestMix?

I see ModestMix in every fun and cheeky boutique in the USA and abroad. The branding brings laughter and joy, and the tea actually does what it says! My "You're F**king Awesome" blend tastes amazing and it is truly a mood booster. BlendBee is leading the way in custom tea blending. I am actively growing our wholesale tea blending side. Currently we have more than 5 well known tea companies that we create all the tea blends for, BlendBee tea + their branding. Most people have had BlendBee tea and were never aware of it. I love helping other companies grow and feel it is beneficial to all work together. We may seem small, but we are really growing roots and respect within the tea community. 

Do you have a favorite tea blend that you make yourself?

So many to choose from! Currently my absolute favorite tea from BlendBee is Holy Chai, I designed this tea specifically for myself and put some of the worlds most beneficial ingredients in it. The Holy Tulsi Trinity (holy basil plant) is touted to be one of the most beneficial herbs in the world. Paired with Yerba mate for vitamins and minerals, along with clean caffeine for energy. Finally I added my favorite chai spices and sweetened it naturally so I don't need to use any sugar. I'm addicted!

My favorite ModestMix blend is "Juicy Ass", this blend I created with ingredients to help with digestion and boost metabolism. I cold brew and drink this one all Summer, it is a hibiscus heavy, fruity mix that is absolutely delicious!!

What advice would you live to someone looking to build their own Brand?

Don't wait until everything is perfect to launch. You will learn what works and doesn't work as you go. Pull the trigger and just go for it! Be fearless my friends!

Just for fun ... 

What is something on your 2020 bucket list?

To hike the Grand Canyon rim to rim!

They say breakfast is the most important meal of the day, do you have a morning routine (food, drink, activity) that helps you have a productive day?

My morning is so important to me. I wake up around 6am and journal while watching the sunrise. I start each day listing 3 things I'm grateful for and something that will make the day great. How can I make someone's day brighter? I'm always drinking tea, so before bed I have my cold brew jar ready to go, and sip it through my color-pop tea straw while I journal. I also meditate for 5-20 minutes each day. I always make my bed and tidy my home before I leave. I am very active and find time everyday for an hour of movement (yoga, hiking, dancing), whatever feels right to fuel my soul. I usually intermittent fast on a daily basis and I don't eat food until about noon, and always start with something fermented like miso soup or kombucha which I brew myself. My diet is revolved around eating every color in the rainbow, I make sure I get every color in with fruits and veggies each day. I don't drink alcohol & I eat mostly plants. This has been my secret for looking like I'm in my 20's (except some well earned wrinkles on my face).

Do you have a go-to cocktail?

Girl, I am the mock-tail QUEEN! Cold-brewed "Crimson Kiss" (blendbee), club soda and 4 drops of essential oil (green mandarin & lemon). I love DoTerra oils because of the research they do, I don't love that they are an MLM, but man do they produce the highest quality product! Don't worry, I'm not trying to sell you DoTerra, LOL!

If you were having a dinner party and could invite one celebrity guest, who would it be? 

Lizzo. I LOVE her! (who doesn’t?!)

As a female entrepreneur running a small business, we know free time is sporadic, but when you do get some, is there a hobby you enjoy?

All we have in life, is time, that is our only constant. I have misused time so much in my past. Every single day I set aside time for myself... I cook, I paint, I read, I sweat. 

I grew up in a restaurant, so cooking is one of my favorite hobbies. I love creating healthy food that tastes decadent. My avocado brownies have all the kids fooled!

I'm also an artist and I paint/draw/sculpt as much as I can. This is my favorite active meditation.

I live in the Sierra Mountains, just 30 minutes from Lake Tahoe, so I love getting outdoors. Hiking, snowshoeing, snow boarding, paddleboard yoga, kayaking and of course dancing. I LOVE dancing, studied dance for 15 years, it makes my soul smile.

Thank you for allowing me to open up and share!! Sending so much love and light to you and the Flippersplash team!

Cheers, Jamah

Follow along with these awesome Brands here:

ModestMix / Instagram / Facebook

BlendBee / Instagram / Facebook

Influencer, BrandsBridget Healy