Amy Lundy - The MOTHER of all Baby Showers

Introducing our friend, Amy is an easy task!  I have been lucky enough to know Amy Lundy since 2011, when I began working with her and her event MOABS. I was a mom-inventor that was craving the space to introduce my Little Looster to parents, and Amy had created an event called MOABS (aka Mother Of All Baby Showers) where I could do just that! Amy started with the yearly Tampa event and has since expanded to several other cities throughout the year, including Pittsburgh, Phoenix and Seattle.  We asked Amy to share some of her secrets that have helped her become the success that she is today.

Keep scrollin’ to see what Amy has to say about how she came to creating The MOTHER of all Baby Showers!

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Let's start with the basics. Can you tell us what exactly MOABS is?

MOABS is The Mother of All Baby Showers which is an adults-only night out for expectant and new parents to get educated and celebrated on ALL things pregnancy and parenting. It’s a unique opportunity to connect with fantastic resources, experts and new friends while enjoying a truly fun girls’ night out or date night. Food, drinks, mini spa treatments, giveaways and hands-on education from healthcare to baby gear to sleep safety to car seat safety to financial planning and more is what MOABS is bringing to cities around the US. With the current coronavirus epidemic causing us to postpone in-person events, we’ve gotten creative and we’re continuing our educational and celebration in new, unique digital ways.     

Where did the idea for The Mother of all Baby Showers come from?

This is a good story. I had had my first child six months before starting MOABS. I had planned to take a small amount of time off from my corporate events job after having my baby, but I was itching to create something in the marketing and event space that was my own. I had moved to a new city, wasn’t surrounded by a lot of obvious parenting resources, and I felt there was a disconnection between parents and parents-to-be connecting them to people, places and things for their growing families. I hadn’t heard of any event like what I imagined in my head, something centered around adults, a night out, filled with the best brands and experts with fun integrated in too. AND all at an affordable price for attendees ($15/ticket). I wanted my event to be inclusive, non-judgmental and valuable to everyone involved, and to this day I am inspired by the stories I hear from attendees about they’re learning, laughing and leaving with confidence from my events. Necessity was literally the mother of invention in this case. 

Why was it important to build this community for expectant Mothers?

I have three children, and I lived in different cities when each child was born. I truly feel that connections make all the difference in the mental health of expectant and new parents. If they feel they have resources, friends and support they will be happier people and happy moms, and dads too. We try to uncomplicate things for them, by having open q&a and demos of products and have enough variety but not so much that they’re feeling overwhelmed. We’re loyal to them, loyal to our event partners and loyal to the idea that face to face connections are irreplaceable. And never has that feeling been proven more than now as we are experiencing separation anxiety from family, friends, religious organizations, retailers, and more due to the coronavirus. 

What has been the most rewarding part of creating MOABS?

Without question I’ve loved knowing that I’ve been helpful in making pregnancy and parenting more relatable, enjoyable and easier. To know I’m providing a support system in more ways than one makes my heart happy. And to know that I’m also able to support amazing brands connect with fantastic expectant and new parents is the cherry on top. I’ve been able to combine passion and purpose, I feel very grateful. 

What can people expect when they attend a MOABS event? 

Education in a hands-on way, healthcare and gear expertise, food & drinks, major giveaways, demos, small & big brands, new products and services, and more. It’s all done in a fun adults-only experience, and no one will ever be judged, we’re here to provide choices and support our attendees whether they’re planning to get pregnant, currently pregnant, or have a newborn through preschool-aged child. We Are MOABS is our motto, meaning that we’re all in this together, no matter what the individual situation.  

What sets MOABS apart from other events geared toward expectant mothers?

We are adults-only. We’re an evening event. We never have events in convention or expo centers, we’re not a baby show, we’re a curated adults-only night out to get educated, celebrated, learn, laugh and leave with confidence. We’re also here for our attendees and our event partners all year long through our events, social media, website, e-mail and even phone. We are a consistent support system and resource, we don’t just go away after an event, we stay loyal and valuable the entire year. 

What cities are you currently holding MOABS events in? How long did it take you to expand to new cities?

We started in Tampa Bay, where I had my first child. Nine years later and we’ve been to 15 cities. This year we’re planning to be in Dallas, Charlotte, Orlando, Phoenix, Pittsburgh, South Florida, Philadelphia, Seattle and Tampa Bay. Of course given the current global pandemic, these plans may change. I’m very thankful to be doing so much online and via social media and to be partnering with amazing organizations, such as Flippersplash, to help continue to connect influencers and attendees with our experts and resources. As they say, the show must go on! Expectant and new parents need us now more than ever!!! 

Where do you see MOABS going in the next five years?

I see us continuing to increase our digital and in-person reach. I also see us growing our footprint and educating on growing trends in the baby industry. I know the need will grow for mental health education and support for expectant ant and new parents and I’m so proud that we’ve been been at the forefront of these efforts and will continue to do more and more. 

What advice would you give someone looking to follow their dreams and start a Brand of their own?

My advice is simple...put human interests in front of business interests. I’ve always shown who I am as a person, even in small ways, so my partners are as much friends as they are clients. And our attendees feel like family, not strangers. I lead with equal parts head and heart, but I never forget to relate to the human side of every person and every situation. This is ingrained in my character, and your character is everything.  

Just for fun ... 

What is something on your 2020 Bucket List?

More travel. Wishful thinking? 

They say breakfast is the most important meal of the day, do you have a morning routine (food, drink, activity) that helps you have a productive day?

I sure do! Drop my older two at school, go to a boxing class, drink a ton of water and return emails, take my youngest to school, and work at full speed starting at 9am. 

Do you have a go-to cocktail (or cocktail)?

Glad you asked. Tito’s and soda with three limes. 

If you were having a dinner party and could invite one celebrity guest, who would it be?

Anderson Cooper because he’s smart, interesting, has great stories to share and is funny too. Right now we all need laughter in our dinner convos! 

We know free time is sporadic for us babes who hustle, but when you get some, is there a hobby you enjoy?

I love to kick-box, and I love music. As you said, time is short for every mom, but I do try to have music in the background of most of my activities because it just makes me happier. 

As Amy mentioned, the Global Pandemic has caused MANY Brands to alter their plans, but you can follow MOABS and the status of all their events, both in-person and digital, on their website, Instagram or Facebook!