Girl Gang STA & The Boss Babe Behind It

It’s been said that behind every successful woman is a tribe of other successful women who have her back and St. Augustine local Stephanie Newman has proven this through her creation of Girl Gang STA. Simply put, Girl Gang STA is a Saint Augustine-based empowerment group that supports females, but as we are about to learn, the heart that has gone into it’s creation makes it so much more.

Everyone who knows Stephanie can surely agree on two things: 1. Her personality will instantly have you smiling and likely laughing and 2. She is THE Brow Queen of Northeast Florida. I first met Stephanie when she was working at the brow bar in Ulta. Aside from the fact that she completely transformed my brows, she had a personality that made me know that I would keep coming back. Fast forward a bit and I have followed Stephanie to her new brow spot at Push Push Salon and am fortunate to consider her a friend.

As a female founded and run business ourselves, we know all about the challenges of small business and how important it is to build a community of supporters. Stephanie took her passion for supporting these small boss babe brands and gave our community something we were lacking.

While #SocialDistancing is keeping us from Girl Gang STA Swap Meets, I encourage you to follow along on Instagram for any update and some motivational content to get you through this quarantine. Also, check out some of the local boss babe brands that will continue to be a part of this community! Read on to learn some more about Stephanie see how Girl Gang STA came to be . . .

Let's start with the basics. Can you tell us a little bit about what Girl Gang STA is?

GIRL GANG STA is a women’s empowerment group that helps women. It helps local creatives make money and learn to sell their products, In bi-monthly swap meets that are open to the public ! We help feed those who need food and hug those who need love. 

What made you want to build this community?

I have been alone in some very dark times and I want to reduce those moments for others. 

Why do you think it is important to build a community for women?

It’s always important for all of us to have that safe place.

What has been the most rewarding part of building Girl Gang STA?

Seeing it grow and the large sense of community we have reached. So many friends have been made for so many. 

What can people expect when they attend a Girl Gang STA Swap Meet?

To see an amazing spread of talents. From vintage clothing and custom handmade clothing pieces to one of a kind paintings and jewelry to custom prints and plants and so much more !!

We know that Girl Gang STA is a side hustle, what do you do full-time?

I am a salon manager and esthetician at push push salon 

What are your dreams for Girl Gang STA in the next year or so? 

To grow our events and be able to travel for more women in different cities to get an opportunity to be a part it.

Did you face any obstacles while building Girl Gang STA? If so, how did you overcome them?

It takes A LOT to run girl gang and work a full time job, but I have made amazing friends through out the process who help me out a lot !

Can you tell us about someone you look up to as a mentor or advisor that has helped you build the Girl Gang STA Brand?

Lady Gaga is an amazing inspiration to me as far as how she reached out to the communities and helps on all levels to all ages. 

What advice would you give to something looking to start a group like this in their community?

Do it for the love and understand that people may not get it at first, but make a difference and continue to grow and never give up. Women who stand together grow together. 

Just for fun ... 

What is something on your 2020 bucket list?

Umm with the corona going on ... I just wanna go back to my career ! 

They say breakfast is the most important meal of the day, do you have a morning routine (food, drink, activity) that helps you have a productive day?

COFFEE IS MY MORNING. A little outside time with the pup and a cup of joe !

Do you have a go-to cocktail (or mocktail)?

I tend not to drink much , unless I hear  Champagne🥂  

If you were having a dinner party and could invite one celebrity guest, who would it be?

Lady Gaga !

We know free time is sporadic for us babes who hustle, but when you get some, is there a hobby you enjoy?

Anything creative ! I love cooking and baking as well. My chocolate chip cookies are DYNAMITE!